Saturday, August 9, 2008

What does FACIST mean?

A lot of words have been bandied about on the internet regarding Obama and his meaning of the word "CHANGE." Unfortunately, he hasn't given us much of an explanation. People still don't know what he's talking about.

On the internet, or talk radio, some people have called him: a liberal (we know that one), a socialist, a communist, or a fascist. Hmmm. Fascist. Well, there's a word Americans haven't heard before regarding a political candidate. A fascist? We know Obama has a murky past with his admiration of Rev. Wright and Farrakan. One of his early mentors, whom he called Frank in his book Dreams From My Father was Frank Marshall Davis, a known communist. He admits in his book to attending "socialist conferences" and reading Marxist literature. Okay. So, there's a good chance that Obama IS a liberal (a given), a socialist, and possibly a communist. Still, is he a fascist? Here is a definition of a fascist:

"A form of political behavior marked by obsessive preoccupation with community decline, humiliation or victimhood and by compensatory cults of unity, energy and purity, in which a mass-based party of committed nationalist militants, working in uneasy but effective collaboration with traditional elites, abandons democratic liberties and pursues with redemptive violence and without ethical or legal restraints goals of internal cleansing and external expansion. — Robert O. Paxton, The Anatomy of Fascism .[8]

Well, then, I think we know the answer to whether Obama is a fascist.

Obama and his wife have spoken of their lack of pride in this country. Here's two videos to prove it. (Michelle - "For the first time... I'm proud of my country, people are hungry for change, people want to be unified, not feeling so alone in my frustration and disappointment." ) (Barack - "America is no longer what it could be, what it once was...")

We know they are "sugar-coating" their words. If they said what they really meant, what their friends, mentors, and religious leaders have been drilling into their heads for over twenty years, they'd lose us, because Americans want their freedom, they want to feel safe, they want to prosper without the government leading them around by the nose. At least, I hope they do. I know that's what I want.

Another good article, Obama's Communist Mentor by Cliff Kincaid, explains Obama's connection to communism as quoted below:

"Trevor Loudon, the New Zealand-based blogger who has been analyzing the political forces behind Obama and specializes in studying the impact of Marxist and leftist political organizations, notes that Frank Chapman, a Communist Party USA supporter, has written a letter to the party newspaper hailing the Illinois senator's victory in the Iowa caucuses."

"Obama's victory was more than a progressive move; it was a dialectical leap ushering in a qualitatively new era of struggle," Chapman wrote. "Marx once compared revolutionary struggle with the work of the mole, who sometimes burrows so far beneath the ground that he leaves no trace of his movement on the surface. This is the old revolutionary ‘mole,' not only showing his traces on the surface but also breaking through."

Scary stuff for the people of the United States!

Next: What will happen if Barack Obama is elected President of the United States?

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