Thursday, September 11, 2008

Stop knocking Sarah

I read an article recently, "What was McCain thinking?" by Froma Harrop, Syndicated Columnist. I was in disbelief. First, because it was such a shoddy piece of journalism and second, because she is so out of touch. How ironic that the "liberal" side of the media is seething with obvious jealousy and drooling with vindictiveness because the Republicans were the first to elect a woman for Vice President. I have only seen this kind of catty, vicious, hatred spewed in the halls of high school from girls who love to put down and harrass others to hide their own shortcomings.

But, it doesn’t stop there. Instead, the media has been reduced to slandering Palin’s daughter because she is pregnant. Shame on Harrop for dragging a young woman through the mud; calling her "defiant and stupid while she held mom’s fifth baby." I sure didn’t see it that way. I saw a seventeen year old who held her head up to support her mother. I saw her lovingly hold her brother, who has down’s syndrome. Harrop’s friend asks, "Don’t they have birth control up in Alaska?" Give me a break. Do you really think she didn’t know about birth control? She would have to be locked in a cellar not to know about birth control. Don’t be stupid, Ms. Harrop. Amazingly, kids tell other kids. Parents tell kids. Television tells kids. The word gets out. Weren’t you a teenager once, Harrop? Sex and birth control are about as secret as your political leanings. People make mistakes.

Harrop then goes on about Terri Schiavo and the disgusting people who actually wanted to make sure that, indeed, Terri was in a vegetative state. If I remember, her husband was living with another woman with whom he had a child. Maybe he needed the insurance money. Wouldn’t you want someone to make sure before they pulled the plug?

And, Harrop brought up evolutionary science. As far as I’m concerned, my ancestors are not monkeys, however, yours may be, Harrop. And, until there’s definitive proof, I’m going to keep my options open until they can prove, unequivocally, that I came from a primordial soup. Harrop says "we (conservatives?) are a small slice of the electorate" and "while some religious conservatives may be ‘energized’ by the Palin pick, most everyone else is revolted." I think poor Ms. Harrop will be unpleasantly surprised when they do the final count on election eve.

Americans are smart, although reading Harrop’s article would lead you to believe otherwise. They don’t care about Palin’s daughter, they care about the person and the issues. They want a strong Vice President. They want someone who will change the corruption in Congress. They want someone who will lead the fight to amend lobby, fundraising, and earmark laws. They want someone who has shown a record of taking on self-interested, corrupt politicians and bloated federal bureaucracy. They want someone who will drill for oil while other alternative methods are produced and put together a comprehensive energy plan. They want someone who will fight to lower health care expenses without adding more people to an incompetent medicare system that pays out billions each year in fraudulent claims.

Harrop mentions that Palin reeled in $27 million in federal pork (she hasn’t pursued pork in eight years.) In the meantime, in 2007, Pelosi herself sponsored a $25 million earmark for a waterfront redevelopment project near several properties her husband owned. Now, that’s an ethics issue in itself.

And, in 2008, according to Citizens Against Government Waste, the Democratic-led Congress, the sponsors of "change", "enacted 106 bills; 89% were to name government buildings or lands, extend or make technical corrections to existing laws, or passed by unanimous consent or with less than 10 dissenting votes." Essentially, they did almost nothing.

Change? Show me someone who has sponsored change. I seem to recall that John McCain is one and Sarah Palin is another. Ask the American people again why they want Sarah Palin. She is someone who has proven, through experience and action, not just words, that she will fight to make a change in Washington. And, I hope against hope, with these two, that it will finally happen.

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