Thursday, October 16, 2008

Supreme Disappointment

As I sit here typing my heart is heavy. I think I've felt this way for at least two weeks now. My frustration and disappointment lies in the American peoples' blindness. I believe it comes from the aging of our population. The old fears, namely communism, fascism, and dictatorships, have disappeared and new ideals, new hope has emerged, in the guise of socialism. Maybe, also, young Americans have been swayed by the leftist teachings of our colleges and schools. Or, perhaps, it is just that people listen to generalities and reject the details as minor irritations. People are too busy with their own lives to care.

Only a few seem to have noticed that the left has "morphed" into a philosophy in direct contrast to this country's Constitution. The Constitution is about freedom, independence, and doing it on your own. It's not about big government, burdening laws and rules, and depending on the government for everything. Yet, that is the way it's been going since FDR. A slippery slope.

Now, we are on the cusp of electing the most liberal, leftist Senator in Congress. A man who is cunning and highly organized. His group of advisers are used to "bucking and manipulating the system." Should I explain?

One example is his understanding of the law. He's smart. He investigates. He knew that Missouri had an ethics law that prevented people from telling lies or misrepresenting the facts. He got Missouri prosecutors involved to prevent any mistruths from being said. It was called the "truth squad."

While this seems "innocent" enough, is it? Traditionally, our Presidential campaigns have always been about stretching the truth, giving little snippets of information that may not be exactly true. It's the American way. We, the people, know it and disseminate it. At least, that was our job; to decide if it was significant and whether it was true or not. But, not under Obama's rules. While he grossly distorted the truth about Sen. McCain and his policies, the Republicans were threatened and intimidated with some sort of legal action on the part of the state if they did the same thing. I don't think of this as "innocent." I see this as suppressing freedom of speech or, at least, threatening to suppress speech. It reeks of suppression, and that's not the American way.

Last night we watched the final campaign. ACORN and William Ayers were brought up. Obama dismissed each and detached himself from both. He is a brilliant speaker now. In the beginning, he would stumble. Not now.

He is not afraid anymore to espouse his real views. "Joe, the plumber," is an example. Spread the wealth. Yes, spread it. Spread it like peanut butter and jelly. The American people accept it. They're not "Joe, the plumber." They're the other 95% who are going to get a tax cut. But, that's stupid. We know that's not true. There's the "trickle down" effect. When big or little businesses have more taxes, they pass it on to us. When we stop giving the oil companies a tax incentive, they'll pass the cost on to us. That's the way it is. They're not going to suffer. We will.

Last night, again, big government spending came up. We're in an economic crisis, yet neither candidate could avoid talking about government projects which will cost big money for the American people. Was anyone listening? It doesn't appear so.

Anytime government gets involved with some project, the end result will be more spending. Yet, Obama wants involvement in government from everybody. He wants a civilian security force, as great as our military. He mentioned it last night. No one blinked. Don't the words just make you cringe? A civilian security force. Say it a few times. Let it sink in. Then, shudder.

Typically, our military costs are about 20% of government spending or around $500 billion dollars. Is Obama saying we are going to spend $500 billion dollars on a civilian security force? It appears so. Don't Americans find any significance in that? Don't they want more details of why we need this civilian security force?

And, what exactly, will be the duties of a civilian security force? To tell on our neighbors? To spy on anti-Obama Americans? To arrest people who say untruths about him?

Clearly, he wants more people involved in government, but this seems downright scary. What does it mean? That we will all be working for government along with our other jobs so we can afford to pay ourselves?

That is why my heart is heavy. While people are laughing at conservatives for their concerns and fears, I am concerned and fearful. I am afraid this is the beginning of the loss of our freedom. Maybe my fears are unfounded, but the clues, the words, the direction we are going, seem clear.

It reminds me of the Jews' escape from Egypt. God, through Moses, freed them from their bondage. The thought is quite incredible. Then, they began their trek through the wilderness. You would have thought they would have been filled with gratitude. They had seen miracles performed and they had finally been delivered from slavery. But, instead, they became dissatisfied. They lost their faith. They began to worship false gods. They sinned. God was mad and Moses had to beg for their lives.

I fear there are just too few of us who are Moses, who are trying to lead us in the right direction. To save us from ourselves. I pray it won't be too late.

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