Wednesday, November 12, 2008

The Fairness Doctrine - Come One, Come All!

Contrary to the conservatives' fear over the Fairness Doctrine, which we have been led to believe will stop conservative Talk Radio and Fox television, I think it will have the opposite effect. In fact, the liberal media may be slapped in the face by the Fairness Doctrine. We should be embracing it!

Just today, Newsmax had an article that President-elect Obama has designated former FCC commissioner Henry Rivera to head his team that will select the next FCC chairman. The original Fairness Doctrine was not mandated by Congress but was an FCC regulation. So, Congress may not decide whether this will be re-instituted, the new FCC chairman may. And, if the FCC chairman decides not to, Congress may decide to make the Fairness Doctrine a law. But, will they be shooting themselves in the foot?

While waiting in line to vote, Sen. Schumer endorsed the Fairness Doctrine with a grin. In other words, he was feeding on fear and basically mocking the people that preach the Fairness Doctrine will cause suppression of free speech.

Let's see - in America, the door swings back and forth, not just one way. We all know that the main steam media gave unfair coverage to the Democrats and mocked and derided the Republicans, even with rumors and outright lies! How much of the Main Stream Media's news is simply opinion and not fact? A lot!

So, here's my view. If the Fairness Doctrine is instituted, each side will have equal time to present contrasting viewpoints, through news, public affairs, public service, interactive and special programming.

Why are opposing views a threat? They are unequivocally not a threat! Because, if we believe that our views are right, then we have nothing to fear. We will be able to put our views out on the MSM every time they have an opinion, or lie, or mock, or spread rumors!

The liberal MSM will have to give equal time to the conservatives. NBC and MSNBC will have to give conservatives a chance to challenge the views of Olbermann and Matthews. Presidential elects will have to be given equal time. News versus "opinion" news will be able to be challenged every step of the way.

We all know the news tips greatly to the left. The Fairness Doctrine will "balance" news and opinions if only the conservatives and Republicans demand equal time! In other words, we will have to get our act together and start monitoring the liberal media and demand a response for each slam they give us. We can inundate the MSM with our opposing view!

Now, how will this affect Fox? Not at all. They have fair and balanced news. O'Reilly is fair and balanced. Hannity has Colmes. Van Sustern is fair and balanced. No worries.

What about Rush and Glenn? Well, it will be up to Rush and Glenn to allow the public to give their viewpoint. Or, the radio station to provide the opposing view. What's so bad about that? In fact, I would like to hear an intelligent, factual view behind the liberal position.

And, I'll be happy to turn on MSNBC to hear the views of the conservatives who will be making Olbermann look like a blithering idiot, which will bother the heck out of the opposition!

Viva la Fairness Doctrine!

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