Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Prop 8 is voted down and at least one celebrity wacks out!

Want a number of good reasons why gay marriage, which seems rather innocuous, was voted down? See the above.

Again, do we, the people, want 5 - 10% of the population forcing their rules on us? There are civil unions. They don't have to be married. Funny, if they had the right to be called "married," they probably wouldn't want it. But, because the last bastion of tradition is marriage, they've got to fight it tooth and nail! So they can sue when someone doesn't want to serve them. How ridiculous.

On the amusing side, Roseanne Barr, known for her genteel and ladylike style, blasted blacks and anyone who is Christian, right wing, and goes to church:


"70% of black church going californians
who voted this cycle voted for prop 8. As they overwhelmingly supported America's first chance to elect a person of color and strike a death blow to racism, they also went out of their way to misuse their votes (no doubt at the behest of their immoral and hateful pastors and clergy) to isolate and punish a small minority of citizens, and to deny them basic civil rights. They voted to deny over 70,000 californian children coverage of the insurance benefits of their gay parents. They voted to destroy the constitution that Obama will hopefully uphold against their wishes, by making sure that church and state remain separated. They voted to "uphold the sanctity of marriage" by making a mockery of it. They showed themselves every inch as bigoted and ignorant as their white christian right wing counterpartners who voted for mccain-palin and bush-cheney. When i suggested a couple of years ago that gay organizations should build official bridges with african american organizations, in order to build political consensus and not just represent a purely gay agenda, this very vote is what I was trying to speak to.The gay community needs to do outreach to the black and latino christian and immigrant communities.
the more things change, the more they stay the same.REPENT all ye bible blabbers!!!! babble on babylon" End quote!

Nice girl...

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