Sunday, October 5, 2008

The Failings of Barack Obama’s Advisors

While Sen. Obama causes shivers of delight for Chris Matthews, he gives me the willies of dread. His murky past leaves me wanting to know more. Who are his close friends? Who does he go to for advice and counsel?

Although information on Obama’s advisors is rather sparse, here’s what I found:

Valerie Jarrett is Obama’s closest advisor. She was recently interviewed by (of course) Katie Couric. She is called "the other side of Barack Obama’s brain." Jarret is 51 years old and labels herself American-Iranian.

Jarrett is the chief executive of Habitat Company, which managed a housing complex in Chicago. The housing complex is now considered "uninhabitable" due to neglect and has to be demolished. If she can’t handle a housing complex, how is she going to handle the United States?

While Obama pressed for federal subsidies for housing complexes like this, his good friend Jarrett took the money and ran, refusing to even discuss it.

Susan Rice is Obama's foreign policy advisor. Ms. Rice is a great fighter, at least that’s what the internet says about her talk with Laura Ingraham. However, she lost in my opinion. She basically stated we are losing in Iraq.

Ms. Rice has skeletons in her closet. She served on the National Security Council and later as the Assistant Secretary for African Affairs at the State Dept. under Bill Clinton. "During her time on the National Security Council, as the senior person responsible for giving the President policy options on Africa, Rice reprised the role of Nero fiddling while Rome burned. She sat by while more than one million Rwandans were butchered in a bloody genocide. She let the phone ring and declined to offer any answer that would have saved lives. And she is one of Barack’s key advisors."

Then, there’s the friendship between Obama and Rezko:

And, then there's Penny Pritzker, National Finance Chairperson for Obama. She’s a billionaire and considered one of the most powerful women in the U.S. This is not a pretty story, either. Pritzker was on the Superior Bank’s board of directors, which pushed risky, predatory lending and ultimately it's risky lending practices caused it to fail.

And, we haven’t got to Reverend Wright, and Williams Ayers. Or, some of his advisors' ties with the Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac debacle. But, that’s a story for another day....

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