Friday, September 12, 2008

Can We Trust Obama?

After years of listening to politicians promise a wide variety of things which fail to materialize, I am very skeptical of Mr. Obama's new opinions on military strength. What a shock to hear Obama go on and on during his acceptance speech about military strength, our commitment to a successful Iraq and Afghanastan, the addition of more military personnel, his promise to fund weapons technology. First, these new views are in direct opposition to his actual views on the military. Obama hates the military. He doesn't believe in extra military personnel or funding weapons technology. Only months ago, he was in direct opposition to the war in Iraq and vowed to immediately withdraw troops when he became President. See his YouTube video if you have any doubts on his opinion.

This smacks vaguely of his twenty years of dedication to a racist church. As the media continued to press, Obama turned around and denied his minister, someone he greatly admired. Going to church about twice a month (as he said on Bill O'Reilly's interview with a smile on his lips), he never, ever heard Rev. Wright say anything derogatory about white people or the United States. Yeah. Sure.

If we can believe that history repeats itself, then we can expect that Obama's true motives will win out. He will hurriedly get us out of Iraq at the expense of the Iraqi people's safety. He will cut military funding to pay for some of his socialistic ideas such as a "civilian security force that is just as powerful, just as strong, just as well-funded" as the military. He will dismantle nuclear weapons and "negotiate" with Russia for peace. He will cut funding for weapons that could secure our safety.

Listening to the people cheering and clapping for Obama as he promises a civilian security force will bring chills down your spine. No wonder some people compare him to Hitler. Listen up, everyone. We are heading down a slippery slope. How stupid can we get?

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