Monday, September 22, 2008

Newt Gingrich criticizes President Bush

I love these rebels. First McCain, now Gingrich criticizes what's been going on in Washington. Let's face it. These past eight years the Republicans in office sold us out. That's why there's a Democratically led Congress just waiting to get Sen. Obama into office.

Conservatives have been in a twilight zone of disbelief as Bush approved every bill passed his way in order to negotiate with the Democrats. What a disgrace to see him pass the Medicare Prescription Drug law and not have the nerve to tell the American people we couldn't afford it.

In order to appease the Democrats, he chose not to fight. He allowed them to bully him into dropping a Fannie and Freddie reform bill that would have cracked down on risky lending practices. Senator John McCain was one of the three co-sponsors of this bill. He truly is a man who goes against the cronyism and corruption.

All of America has been hurt by the Republicans' lack of leadership. God Bless John McCain. A true American hero. A man who stands by his principles and never waivers. After you've been in a Hanoi prison for five and a half years, it truly gives you the character to never give up your beliefs!

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