Thursday, September 25, 2008

Shock! Congressional Dems allow drilling ban to expire!

Last week, Speaker Nancy Pelosi put a 290 page energy bill through the House banning offshore oil drilling where it counts - between 3 and 50 miles offshore where 95% of the oil and gas resides. It was killed, however, and the Dems allowed the 25 year drilling ban to expire. Score one for the good guys.

I guess she was too busy with the bail out to dedicate much time to getting it passed in the Senate. Plus, Bush promised to veto it. Maybe she's waiting for the election. If Obama gets in, it's probably a shoe in. If McCain gets in, with Palin's help (I hope), a bill banning offshore drilling will get vetoed.

The next few years, folks, will see if America can right itself or sink into the abyss. Right now, it's people with common sense against the wackos.

Why do I say that? Because, although we all want to see alternative energy begin it's journey to prominence in the USA, it's going to take a long, long time. Longer than 10 years.

Everything has a cost environmentally. Right now the ideal car is solar powered with a windmill on top. But, it will also need to run on electricity sometimes (cloudy and no wind), then become nuclear if driven over 50 miles. See? No solutions yet. All alternative cars are in the infancy stages.

Doing anything quickly is usually a mistake. (I hope I'm wrong about the $700 billion they're giving away.) And, that's what the Dems are pushing. Cut off gas and start replacing it with alternative energy sources. But, it's not that simple. Many Americans simply don't have the money to re-equip their homes and cars to environmentally friendly energy sources.

No, Americans will be using gas for years. The problem is, if the Dems cut off drilling, the cost will break us. We have to drill to supply ourselves. Enough with relying on other countries. Drill, drill, drill!

The United States needs something tangible to make itself strong again. White collar jobs aren't doing the trick. Industry is the key to strength and we need it back. We don't need to make toys or clothes. Leave that to China. We need to make energy.

Imagine the number of jobs that could be created drilling for gas and oil and by developing, building and installing wind, hydrogen, hydroelectric, nuclear, and solar products. So, what are we waiting for?

The United States of America was a prosperous, industrious nation. It can rise out of the ashes. It has it's people, the hardest working people on earth (and don't contradict me).

The only thing we need now, is a Congress smart enough to know it, too.

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